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《中英對照讀新聞》Ex-President Park’s jail menu draws public attention-前總統朴槿惠的監獄菜單引發關注

2017/10/15 06:00



Food at the Seoul Detention Center is better than average school meals provided to students, according to Dispatch. The leaked menu included Western food, such as morning bread, soup and salad, and Korean staples such as rice cake soup, chapjae noodles and pork kimchi stew.


The menu also took into consideration the health of the inmates at Seoul Detention Center with the inclusion of chicken stew and beef seaweed soup.


"In the past, inmates were on a restricted diet of only ’bean rice,’ but that all changed looking at the menu at present detention centers," according to the KBS news video released in 2015. One meal at the Seoul Detention Center is priced approximately 1,500 won.


Most of the online community expressed their displeasure at the current food menu catered to inmates, saying those who have committed crimes are living in a better environment than normal law abiding citizens.


One online community member expressed anger and disbelief at the idea of detainees being fed decent meals. "Many college students cannot even afford hot meals, have to starve or buy kimbap from the convenience store. How does former President Park who has committed a federal crime and deceived our whole nation get to receive such good treatment?"



take into consideration:動詞片語,考量(慮)到。We will take your recent absence into consideration when marking your exams.(我們打考試分數時,會把各位近來的缺席情況納入考量。)

law abiding:形容詞(或寫成law-abiding),守法的。Such behavior against law abiding people won’t be tolerated.(不容許如此損害守法民眾的行為。)

federal crime:聯邦犯罪,意指全國性重大犯罪。

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