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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Vienna Philharmonic to start Asia tour in Taiwan

2023/10/21 03:00

Members of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra playing clarinets in an undated photograph. Photo courtesy of The Management of New Art (牛耳藝術)

/ Staff writer, with CNA

Taiwan is the first scheduled stop for the Vienna Philharmonic orchestra when it begins an Asian tour on Nov. 1, with three concerts in three days featuring Mozart’s iconic The Marriage of Figaro.

The Austrian orchestra, conducted by Ossetian Tugan Sokhiev, is slated to perform other classical pieces, with Chinese pianist Lang Lang (郎朗) to play a part.

The Marriage of Figaro is a concise, elegant and exquisite musical composition that has some humorous plot twists, promotion company Management of New Arts said yesterday.

The Vienna Philharmonic, founded in 1842, is to perform in two cities in Taiwan from Nov. 1 to 3 before traveling to South Korea and Japan, the orchestra’s Web site says.

The tour is to conclude on Nov. 19, it says.

The first concert in Taiwan is to be held at the National Concert Hall in Taipei, featuring Figaro and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 4 in B-flat Major, op. 60; and Prokofieff’s Symphony No. 5 in B-flat Major, op. 100, it said.

The following two concerts’ program is to be Piano Concerto No. 2 in G-minor by Saint-Saens and Symphony No. 1 in C-minor, op. 68 by Brahms, it added.

Those two concerts are to be held at the National Concert Hall in Taipei on Nov. 2 and at the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts’ Concert Hall on Nov. 3.

The Vienna Philharmonic has some instruments with unique vibration modes, including goatskin drums and clarinets made of thicker wood, which help create special acoustic effects, Management of New Arts said.

The orchestra is performing four concerts at its home base, the Golden Hall of Musikverein in Vienna, until tomorrow.


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