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《TAIPEI TIMES》 EU leaders call for peace in Strait

2023/07/02 03:00

European Council President Charles Michel, left, and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen talk to reporters at an EU summit in Brussels on Friday. Photo: AP

‘DE-RISK’: While it seeks to reduce critical dependencies on China, the EU would continue to work with Beijing to tackle global challenges, the European Council said

/ Staff writer, with CNA

EU leaders on Friday took a stance on cross-strait issues between Taiwan and China for the first time, saying during a summit that they are against any unilateral moves to change the “status quo.”

The East and South China seas are of strategic importance for regional and global prosperity and security, and the EU is concerned about growing tensions in the Taiwan Strait, the leaders said in conclusions issued after the two-day European Council meeting.

“The European Council opposes any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or coercion. It reconfirms the EU’s consistent ‘one China policy,’” the leaders’ statement said.

In addition, the EU expressed concerns about how China handles human rights issues, including forced labor, the treatment of human rights defenders and minorities, the situations in Tibet and Xinjiang, and the honoring of its previous commitments related to Hong Kong.

In the statement, the leaders reiterated the EU’s multifaceted policy approach toward China, which they said was simultaneously a partner, competitor and systemic rival.

With that in mind, the bloc would continue to engage with China to tackle global challenges and would encourage Beijing to take more ambitious action on climate change, biodiversity, pandemic preparedness and humanitarian assistance, among other issues, it said.

The EU would also seek to ensure a level playing field with China, so that trade and the economic relationship can be balanced, reciprocal and mutually beneficial, the leaders said.

Meanwhile, the 27-member bloc would continue to reduce critical dependencies and vulnerabilities on China, including on its supply chains, and would seek to “de-risk and diversify where necessary and appropriate,” they said.

In Taipei, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday thanked the European Council for publicly voicing its support for cross-strait peace and stability over the past few months, while opposing the use of force to unilateral change the “status quo” in the Strait.

Taiwan would continue to deepen exchanges and cooperation with EU members and like-minded democratic partners and jointly safeguard regional peace, stability and prosperity, it added.


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