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《TAIPEI TIMES》Lawmakers tighten screws on HTPs, ban e-cigarettes

2023/01/13 03:00

A woman uses a vape pen in Taipei in an undated photograph. Warning: Smoking can damage your health. Photo: CNA

By Jake Chung / Staff writer, with CNA

Lawmakers yesterday approved the third reading of proposed amendments to the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act (菸害防治法), which would require heated tobacco products (HTPs) to comply with the law, ban e-cigarettes and raise the legal age for buying cigarettes to 20.

People who use HTPs or e-cigarettes that are not approved by authorities would face a fine of NT$2,000 to NT$10,000 (US$65.66 to US$328.32), the amendments say.

Entities that sell or manufacture such products would be required to present samples of their products and necessary components, such as heaters for HTPs, when submitting health risk assessment reports, according to the amendments.

Tobacco products and related devices cannot be advertised or promoted in any way, nor can distributors claim they have passed health risk assessments, they say.

The amendments place e-cigarettes in the “cigarette-like product” category, effectively banning their use as well as the sale, provision or manufacturing of their necessary components.

Those who manufacture, import, provide or advertise tobacco products, or non-approved HTPs, would face fines of NT$10 million to NT$50 million, the amendments say.

Offenders who are not business owners would be fined NT$50,000 to NT$5 million, they say.

People who incur fines would be granted a grace period, after which they could be fined for repeat offenses, according to the amendments.

The amendments also ratify the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, and forbid tobacco companies or the manufacturers of necessary components from donating directly or indirectly to events, natural or legal persons or groups to promote or advertise their products.

Tobacco products must contain warning labels that cover at least half of the packaging, they say.

The amendments also ban smoking around all schools and childcare facilities.

The clauses on e-cigarettes and HTPs are to take effect one month after the amendments’ contents are announced to the public.

The clauses on vapes with additional flavors as well as regulations on packaging are to take effect one year after the amendments are announced.


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