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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Paraguay delegation looks to Taiwan for investment

2022/04/01 03:00

Paraguayan Minister of Industry and Commerce Luis Castiglioni, left, and President Tsai Ing-wen greet each other at the Presidential Office in Taipei yesterday. Photo: CNA

/ Staff Writer, with CNA

President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) yesterday met with a delegation from Paraguay and expressed her wish to improve bilateral ties in trade and other areas in the next few years.

Bilateral trade has advanced since an Economic Cooperation Agreement between Taiwan and Paraguay took effect in 2018, Tsai told Paraguayan Minister of Commerce and Industry Luis Alberto Castiglioni, the delegation’s leader.

Taiwan imported a record 29,000 tonnes of frozen beef products from Paraguay last year, Tsai said, according to a transcript provided by the Presidential Office.

Paraguayan imports of beef offal were exempted from tariffs starting in January, providing the South American country’s agricultural greater access to the Taiwanese market, Tsai said.

The government is considering extending similar breaks to other types of Paraguayan livestock, Tsai said, adding that this would emphasize Taiwan’s ties with the ally.

Taiwan looks forward to furthering its cooperation with Paraguay in various sectors in ways that are mutually beneficial, the president said.

The delegation met with Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu (吳釗燮) and Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua (王美花).

The delegation also attended Paraguay’s Investment and Market Opportunities Seminar in Taipei on Tuesday, during which it proposed business opportunities in South America as part of its efforts to attract Taiwanese investment, the Paraguayan Ministry of Industry and Commerce said in a statement.

About 100 Taiwanese business and industry representatives attended the event, the Ministry of Economic Affairs said.

The delegation arrived on Monday and departed yesterday.

Taiwan established diplomatic relations with Paraguay in 1957. The country is one of Taiwan’s remaining 14 allies and is the only one in South America.


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