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《TAIPEI TIMES》 No local infections for 14th day: CECC

2020/04/27 03:00

The English word “zero” is illuminated on the 85 Sky Tower in Kaohsiung last night to celebrate zero new cases of COVID-19 in Taiwan, while the Chinese character “an,” meaning “safe,” is displayed on the Grand Hi-Lai Hotel, right. Photo: Chang Chung-yi, Taipei Times

‘REMAIN VIGILANT’: People who are planning to travel during the Worker’s Day holiday must still follow disease prevention measures, the minister of health said

By Lee I-chia / Staff reporter

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) yesterday reported no new COVID-19 infections, marking the 14th consecutive day that no domestic cases had been reported in Taiwan.

The nation has 429 confirmed cases — out of 60,459 suspected cases — including six deaths and 281 who were removed from isolation after treatment, said Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung (陳時中), who heads the center.

Of the confirmed cases, 343 are imported, 55 are domestic and 31 are crew members of the navy supply vessel Panshih (磐石), he said.

“People who are planning to travel during the upcoming Workers’ Day long weekend still have to practice social distancing, wear a mask, and maintain good personal and environmental hygiene,” Chen said. “These measures are still very important.”

Many people were worried about widespread local infections after large crowds gathered at scenic spots during the Tomb Sweeping Day long weekend earlier this month, but no domestic cases have been reported for 14 consecutive days, which shows that the nation is relatively safe, he added.

“This safety relies on the cautiousness of people and would not exist if everyone let their guard down, so people must remain vigilant,” Chen said.

Transportation authorities and police are cooperating to control vehicle traffic and people flow at many tourist spots, he said.

People can use the Freeway Bureau’s Freeway 1968 (高速公路1968) mobile app to find out whether the number of vehicles or visitors at a scenic area has exceeded the alert level and whether they should avoid that area.

Deputy Minister of the Interior Chen Tsung-yen (陳宗彥), deputy head of the center, said that traffic and crowd control measures were implemented at national parks and scenic areas after the Tomb Sweeping Day weekend.

The center has asked market development associations to help implement crowd control measures at night markets, traditional markets and shopping areas, he said.

Taiwan has achieved an outstanding result in preventing a COVID-19 outbreak so far, because a specialist panel has provided the CECC with correct information to help it draw up disease prevention strategies in a timely manner, while the Centers for Disease Control and local health departments have carefully conducted contact investigations, Chen Tsung-yen said.

Efficient cooperation among ministries, local governments and police departments to monitor and provide services to people under home isolation or quarantine also contributed to the nation’s successful disease prevention record, allowing most people to continue their daily lives without being affected too much by the disease, he added.


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