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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Chiayi museum reopens as cultural facility Showa J18

2019/01/28 03:00

The interior of the Showa J18 cultural creative facility is pictured in Chiayi City on Friday. Photo: Ting Wei-chieh, Taipei Times

By Ting Wei-chieh and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with staff writer

The Chiayi City Historical Relic Museum yesterday reopened as a cultural creative facility called Showa J18.

The two-building complex that housed the museum was constructed in the 18th year of Japanese emperor Showa’s reign, when Taiwan was under Japanese colonial rule.

Built in the shoin-zukuri architectural style, it originally served as a satellite facility for the Chiayi Shinto Temple.

The Chiayi Bureau of Cultural Affairs last year commissioned Right Style in Every Love to manage the museum for three years to “re-enact history and culture.”

The new facility would allow visitors to experience Japanese culture and daily life, and help revitalize tourist spots near Chiayi Park, Right Style in Every Love chief executive officer Yeh Hsin-chih (葉欣芝) said.

The venue would help facilitate events across different industries, Yeh said, adding that the company plans to host at least six cultural and arts events there.

“We want to let more people see and recognize the beauty of historical buildings,” she said.

The facility’s restaurant area would serve meals, desserts and coffee made from local produce, Yeh said, adding that an exhibit area would host calligraphy works by Chiu Bing-heng (邱秉恆).

The company plans to rent out kimonos at the exhibit area, and sell cultural creative products and minor literature from the Chiayi region, Yeh said, adding that it would also provide a reading space for visitors.

Chiayi residents can enter the facility free of charge, while non-Chiayi visitors would be charged NT$50 or have to make a purchase of that amount for entry, Yeh said.



The exterior of the Showa J18 cultural creative facility is pictured in Chiayi City on Friday. Photo: Ting Wei-chieh, Taipei Times

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