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《TAIPEI TIMES》Pingtung police give traffic light man a girlfriend, write out request for tender

2017/12/10 03:00

A couple hold hands as they walk across a pedestrian crossing in the green light version of a new crossing signal design presented by the Pintgung County Police. Photo: Lee Lee-fa, Taipei Times

By Lee Li-fa and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with staff writer

The Pingtung County police are inviting bidders for a contract to produce creatively designed crosswalks and traffic lights that would lighten up the wait for pedestrians, it said, adding that it hopes such crossings could be introduced by the end of next year.

In the new design, the crossing signal display, pole and crosswalks are all in sync with the traffic light. The crosswalks and pole are to both be green when it is safe to walk, and begin to flash as the traffic light inches toward red, the station said earlier this month in a statement.

When the traffic light is red, the pole is to flash red, but the crosswalk is to stay green, it added.

In addition to the flashy digital effects, the green or red man on pedestrian crossings signals would be replaced, the station said.

The little green men on Taiwan’s traffic lights have over the years become animated and now walk, gradually picking up speed when the traffic light is about to change.

The little green man in the police’s design is no longer alone and cheerfully marches across the screen with his girlfriend on his arm, the station said, adding that when the traffic lights turn red, the little red man proposes to his girlfriend.

“We hope the animation will entertain pedestrians waiting to cross the street,” the station said.

The station aims to introduce the new animation and system around the renovated Pingtung Railway Station, as it expects that many people will cross the plaza in front of the station after it is opened to the public next year.

“We are initially allotting NT$3 million [US$99,950] for the system and if it is well received, we will be installing the new crossing signals at around all parks and greenways in Pingtung City,” it said.


A man proposes to his girlfriend in the red light version of a crossing signal design presented by the Pintgung County Police. Photo: Lee Lee-fa, Taipei Times

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