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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》 Asset seizures unconstitutional: Hung

2016/12/12 03:00

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chairwoman Hung Hsiu-chu, right, speaks on the sidelines of a ceremony in Pingtung City marking the 122nd anniversary of the founding of the KMT’s predecessor the Revive China Society.  Photo: Lee Li-fa, Taipei Times

‘OPAQUE’: Any move to divest party properties should be subject to judicial overview, but the government has resorted to illegal means, the KMT chairwoman said

By Chen Wei-han / Staff reporter

The government’s attempt to deprive the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) of its legal assets is unconstitutional and contradicts the goal of achieving transitional justice, KMT Chairwoman Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱) said yesterday.

The Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee is an “illegal and opaque organization” and its establishment is unconstitutional, and the Executive Yuan-affiliated committee has been confiscating the KMT’s legally owned assets, Hung said on the sidelines of a ceremony in Pingtung City celebrating the 122nd anniversary of the founding of the KMT’s predecessor the Revive China Society.

“Is transitional justice not subject to judicial process?” Hung asked, questioning President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) remarks that removing ill-gotten assets from political parties was not a political vendetta, but part of transitional justice.

Hung’s comments were perceived to be in response to Tsai’s pledge on Saturday to complete the first-ever official investigative report on the White Terror era within three years as part of the government’s attempt to achieve transitional justice, which the president said does not target any individual or political party, nor is it aimed at creating political conflict among ethnic groups.

“In a democratic nation, any attempt to divest personal or corporate properties is subject to a judicial process, but the government has resorted to illegal measures against a legal party with legal assets. Is such behavior not questionable?” Hung said.

Regarding the issue of allowing food imports from five Japanese prefectures, Hung said the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) campaigned under the banner of the anti-nuclear movement, yet it is planning to lift the import ban, accusing the DPP administration of making a secret deal with the Japanese government at the expense of public health.

The function of the government is to stabilize society and improve public welfare, but the DPP administration has galvanized a series of protests against various public issues only six months after it assumed office, she said.

“The DPP has provoked antagonism and hatred within the nation and between Taiwan and China. While there are issues that are negotiable, the government has failed to bring about communication or adopt a humble attitude, thereby creating unnecessary conflicts,” Hung said.

“The public must take action against the government, whose arrogance is beyond all reason. Larger campaigns have to be organized to voice public anger and dissatisfaction,” she said.

The KMT has planned to initiate recall campaigns to unseat DPP legislators supporting the lifting of the ban, with KMT Vice Chairman Hau Lung-bin (郝龍斌) and the KMT legislative caucus also pushing for a signature drive to propose a referendum on the issue.


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