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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》 Singer Jody Chiang plans to give up music business

2015/01/03 03:00

Singer Jody Chiang bows as she announces her retirement in Taipei yesterday. Photo: Pan Shao-tang, Taipei Times

At a press conference at the Far Eastern Group’s Shangri-la Hotel yesterday, Taiwanese-language singer Jody Chiang (江蕙) announced that she would be quitting following 16 final concerts to be held this year.

Chiang said she was thankful she was born with a good voice and wanted to offer her thanks to everyone who had supported her over the years, adding that she had always been afraid of letting her fans down.

“Without my fans, I would not be the Jody Chiang I am today,” she said.

Chiang said that during the concerts scheduled to run over the next seven months, she aims to leave her fans with her best-ever performances and then leave the limelight.

Even though after the tour finishes she would not be a singer and a celebrity, Chiang said, she still cares for everyone and would do her best to help everyone that needs help in society.

Following the announcement, fans posted mesages on Facebook urging Chiang to reconsider, adding that the pop world — especially for singers of Hoklo (commonly known as Taiwanese) songs — still needed her.

Other netizens expressed understanding and wished her the best, saying it took great courage to end her career at its zenith. Some netizens thanked Chiang and said her songs had warmed the hearts of the public, wishing her a fond farewell and that she enjoys her retirement in peace.


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