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《中英對照讀新聞》Sniffer dogs detect lung cancer 嗅探犬偵測肺癌

2011/09/15 06:00


Sniffer dogs can be used to reliably detect lung cancer, according to researchers in Germany. Writing in the European Respiratory Journal, they found that trained dogs could detect a tumour in 71% of patients.


It is thought that tumours produce "volatile chemicals" which a dog can detect. Researchers trained four dogs to detect lung cancer. Three groups of patients were tested: 110 healthy people, 60 with lung cancer and 50 with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a narrowing of the airways of the lungs.


They all breathed into a fleece filled tube, which absorbed any smells. The dogs sniffed the tubes and sat down in front of those in which they detected lung cancer smells. They were successful 71% of the time.


Dr Thorsten Walles, the report’s author from Schillerhoehe Hospital, said: "In the breath of patients with lung cancer, there are likely to be different chemicals to normal breath samples and the dogs’ keen sense of smell can detect this difference at an early stage of the disease. Our results confirm the presence of a stable marker for lung cancer. This is a big step forward."



volatile:形容詞,易揮發的,反覆無常的。例句:He had a rather volatile temper and can’t have been easy to live with.(他的脾氣相當反覆無常,跟他住不是很容易。)

narrow:動詞,變窄。例句:They have narrowed the focus of the investigation, to concentrate on younger adults.(他們把調查重點縮小到比較年輕的成年人。)

presence:名詞,存在。例句:She was overawed by the presence of so many people.(這麼多人在場讓她相當驚訝。)

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