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《中英對照讀新聞》 Loyal to zip-up Godzilla, Japan wary of US remake 忠於拉鏈裝哥吉拉的日本影迷對美國版新片態度保留

2014/06/29 06:00

◎ 俞智敏

The big-screen Godzilla that scared and thrilled viewers in 1954 was an actor in a rubber suit with a zipper up its back. And many Japanese fans still prefer that monster over a Hollywood version made in terrifying, full 3-D computer-graphics glory.


"American Godzilla is just a giant iguana freaking out," says Mudai Nozaki, 30, who believes Godzilla is Japan’s greatest contribution to cinematic history next to "Seven Samurai" and "Kagemusha" director Akira Kurosawa.


His reaction is surprisingly typical among Japanese who have seen the trailer of the film, titled simply "Godzilla". They wonder if the Warner Bros. remake will be a tribute or an embarrassment for Japan’s monstrous legacy.


Japanese Godzilla-lovers say their iconic hero falls into a special phantasmal category called "kaiju," which have more imaginary, far-fetched traits than what they see as more mundane monsters like King Kong or Frankenstein. And the Hollywood version is no kaiju, said Kazuya Haraguchi, who collects Godzilla goods, including a 100,000 yen complete DVD collection from Toho Studios.

日本的哥吉拉影迷主張,他們心中的指標性英雄應被歸為一種名為「怪獸」的特殊幻想角色,相較於日本影迷心目中較普通的怪獸如金剛或科學怪人,日本的怪獸具有更多想像的、離譜的特徵。好萊塢版的哥吉拉絕非日本怪獸,哥吉拉相關商品收藏家原口一也(譯音)說,他的收藏品了包括一套價值10萬日圓的東寶片廠出品DVD 大全集。


freak out:片語,指一時失控或行為異常;或指感到極度欣喜或不安,如:There was a bomb scare at the school, and parents were freaking out about their kids’ safety. (學校傳出炸彈威脅,家長們因擔心子女安全而驚慌失措。)

far-fetched:形容詞,指牽強的,不太可能發生的,如:The movie features a far-fetched plot to kidnap the President.(這部電影描述的是綁架總統的牽強情節。)

mundane:形容詞,指平凡的、乏味的、普通的、或世俗的,如:Mundane matters such as paying bills and shopping for food do not interest her.(她對諸如繳帳單和購買食物等俗務沒有興趣。)

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