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《中英對照讀新聞》小偷竊取昂貴電動單車,還不小心致電失主求助如何充電Thief steals pricey electric bike, then accidentally calls owner for help on how to recharge it

2014/06/20 06:00


Ben Jaconelli is an electric bike retailer in East London, England. He not only sells electric bikes, he rides them too. While out and about, he locked up his electric Go Cycle. Though he was only away from the bike for 20 minutes, when he returned to where he had left it, it was gone.

班.賈康納利是英國東倫敦的電動單車零售商。他不只販售電動單車,也騎電動單車。當他出門遛達時,他把他的電動Go Cycle單車鎖住。儘管他只離開單車20分鐘,但當他回到放單車的地點時,車不見了。

After reporting the theft to police, Jaconelli received a phone call from a man who needed a charger for a Go Cycle. As Jaconelli told the London Evening Standard, "I’m the authorized dealer for [Go Cycle] in the area so the thief called me, unaware that it was my bike. He asked for a charger for a Go Cycle and I knew straight away it had to be the thief. I took down as many details for him as possible and then set about tracking him down."

報警遭竊後,賈康納利接到一名男子來電,表示需要購買Go Cycle充電器。賈康納利告訴「倫敦標準晚報」,「我是該區的(Go Cycle)授權經銷商,所以竊賊會打電話給我,不曉得那是我的車。他要買Go Cycle的充電器,我馬上就知道對方是(偷我車的)小偷。我儘量記下有關他的許多細節,然後想辦法追蹤他。」

Jaconelli and three of his friends arrived at the thief’s house after doing some online research to find his location. As he told the Standard, "He was out, but his mother was in and she got straight on the phone to her son to demand to know why he wanted an electric bike charger. A minute later he called me and asked why I was at his house and I said ’you stole my bike.’ He hung up and 20 minutes later the bike arrived at my warehouse in a taxi."



out and about:形容詞,活動,出外走動,上班或社交。例句:The patient is getting better and should be out and about in a few days.(病患病情好轉,應該過幾天就能出外活動了。)

lock up:慣用語,關起來,鎖起來。例句:The sheriff locked up the burglar in a cell.(警長把盜匪關進小囚室。)

take down:慣用語,寫下來。

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