中英對照讀新聞》Ancient Corals: First Glow-in-the-Dark Animals? 古代珊瑚:首批發光動物?

遠程操作車在海洋中拍攝到的毛竹珊瑚Isidella tentaculum生物發光現象。(美聯社)
Many animals can glow in the dark. Fireflies famously blink on summer evenings. But most animals that light up are found in the depths of the ocean.
In a new study, scientists report that deep-sea corals that lived 540 million years ago may have been the first animals to glow, far earlier than previously thought.
The researchers used genetic data from 185 species of luminous coral to construct a detailed evolutionary tree. They found that the common ancestor of all soft corals today lived 540 million years ago and very likely could glow — or bioluminescence.
That date is around 270 million years before the previously earliest known example: a glowing prehistoric shrimp. It also places the origin of light production to around the time of the Cambrian explosion, when life on Earth evolved and diversified rapidly — giving rise to many major animal groups that exist today.
blink:動詞,眨眼睛;閃爍。例句:The light blinked through darkness. ( 燈光在黑暗中閃爍不停。)
luminous:形容詞,發亮的。例句:He gazed at me with luminous eyes.(他眼睛閃閃發光地盯著我。)