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《中英對照讀新聞》 Ancient diamonds unlock secrets of early Earth古老的鑽石揭開早期地球的秘密

2007/08/26 06:00

Diamonds more than 4 billion years old -- nearly as old as the Earth itself -- have been discovered in Western Australia, giving scientists vital clues about the early history of our planet.


Found trapped in zircon crystals in the Jack Hills region, the small gems are the oldest identified fragments of the Earth’s crust and their existence suggests the Earth may have cooled faster than previously thought, experts said.


The time between the creation of the Earth around 4.5 billion years ago and the formation of the oldest known rocks some 500 million years later is known as the Hadean period -- the "dark ages" of geology.


Many geologists have traditionally thought of it as a time when the surface of the planet was a mass of molten lava. But the discovery of the ancient diamonds, reported in the journal Nature, challenges that view.


Researchers said the presence of diamonds implied there was a relatively thick continental crust as early as 4.25 billion years ago, suggesting it may have taken only around 200 million years for the Earth’s surface to cool enough for water to condense and oceans to form.


Dictionary 新聞辭典

clue:名詞,線索、跡象、提示。I have no clue to his whereabouts.(我不知他在哪裡。)

molten:形容詞,熔化的、熔解的。動詞melt,熔化、熔解。Ice melts fast in hot water.(冰在熱水中很快融化。)

condense:動詞,壓縮、濃縮、凝結。名詞 condensation,濃縮、凝聚、冷凝,anti-condensation,抗霧、抗凝結(效果)。

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