《中英對照讀新聞》Toyota,BMW...Kantanka?"Made in Ghana" cars go on sale 豐田、BMW….還是坎坦卡?「迦納製造」汽車上市
Japanese Toyotas, German Mercedes and BMWs, GM cars and trucks from the USA are driven in countries around the world. But in Ghana an inventor and church leader who started out trying to make voice-controlled television sets is telling the auto giants to move over.
Kwadwo Safo Kantanka - nicknamed the "Apostle" because he also runs a network of churches - has finally realised his dream of developing and marketing cars "Made in Ghana".
"It’s been in the pipeline since 1971," Kwado Safo junior, one of the inventor’s sons, told AFP.
The sticker price of the vehicles run from $18,000 to $35,000 - out of range for most people in Ghana.
The locally made vehicles are entering a tough market, going up against established brands in a country that sees about 12,000 new and 100,000 second-hand cars imported every year.
But the inventor’s son, who is chief executive of the Kantanka Group, is confident the demand is there and the firm can hold its own in the competition. (AFP)
in the pipeline:片語,計畫中,處理中。例句:The new law has been in the pipeline for years.(這條新法已經醞釀數年。)
go/be up against someone:片語,面對某人的競爭。例句:We will go up against a tough team tomorrow.(我們明天將迎戰一支勁敵。)
hold one’s own:片語,(在面臨挑戰時)守住陣地、立場,或相匹敵。例句:I believe the new product can hold its own in emerging markets.(我相信這項新產品能站穩新興市場。)
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