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《中英對照讀新聞》Lasers to fight off wine pirates 雷射阻擋偽酒

2006/08/15 06:00


Producers of leading wines are adopting security measures similar to those used on banknotes to stop criminals counterfeiting their products.


The technology is being pioneered by winemakers in Australia and Italy, using holograms, invisible ink and unique numbers etched onto bottles.


Penfolds, the Australian label, and Brunello, the Italian brand, are in the forefront of the high-tech methods to counter "wine piracy".


Paolo Bianchini, one of the main producers, has grafted holograms into the wrapping that seals the cork on his 2001 vintage. The hologram is made by the German Kurz group, which supplies the European Central Bank. "It costs a lot at the start but you can absorb it in time," he said.

布魯內羅的主要製造者之一Paolo Bianchini,已將全像術結合到密封2001年份葡萄酒的軟木塞包裝上。全像術由供應歐洲中央銀行的德國克茲集團製造。他說:「一開始花很多錢,但是可以慢慢吸收。」

From this summer the makers of Brunello are also using a new way of printing a code stamped on the neck label.


"We are using a paper similar to banknotes," said Stefano Campatelli, director of the consortium. "The ink becomes phosphorescent under ultraviolet light."


Penfolds Grange, which can fetch up to £1,500 a bottle for its best vintages, has introduced a five-digit alphanumeric code laser-etched into the bottle.



counterfeit 動詞,偽造、仿造。例句:It is a crime to counterfeit money.偽造貨幣是犯罪行為。

forefront 名詞,最前線,最重要、最引人注意的位置。例句:A new group of singers are coming to the forefront.一群新歌手正嶄露頭角。

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