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《中英對照讀新聞》Coffee that tastes like BEER? Starbucks tests the new non-alcoholic Dark Barrel Latte designed to taste like Guinness 喝起來像啤酒的咖啡?星巴克測試新飲品無酒精的黑桶拿鐵,喝起來就像健力士

2014/09/25 06:00


Starbucks coffee is known for offering seasonal drinks like iced Frappuccino in the summer and Pumpkin Spice lattes in the fall but for the first time ever Starbucks patrons will be able to warm up with a beer flavored coffee.


You read correctly, Starbuck’s new Dark Barrel Latte is topped with whipped cream and a dark caramel sauce and flavored coffee syrup that is designed to taste like dark Irish beers such as Guinness.


Starbucks promises customers that while the coffee tastes like beer, there is no actual alcohol in the drink.


The new beer flavored coffee drink is in limited Starbucks locations as the franchise is still testing the beverage in order to determine its popularity.


According to Musictimes.com one can get Starbucks Dark Barrel Latte in select stores in Columbus, Ohio and also some in Florida.



warm up:片語,使暖和。例句:The house soon warms up with the heating on.(暖氣一開,屋子裡很快就暖和起來了。)

popularity:名詞,受歡迎。例如the increasing popularity of organic food(有機食品越來越受歡迎)

select:形容詞,特選的。例句:These activities should be available to all pupils, not just a select few.(這些活動應該讓所有學生都參加,而不只是特定少數。)

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