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《中英對照讀新聞》Adidas best placed in World Cup quarter finals 愛迪達在世界盃足球賽前八強的名次最好

2006/07/02 06:00


German sports goods firm Adidas-Salomon AG is ahead of rivals as sponsor of successful nations at the soccer World Cup after the second round, giving a boost to sales prospects of replica shirts and other goods.


Adidas sponsors top teams Argentina,Germany and France qualifying for the quarter finals, whereas rivals Nike Inc and Puma AG sponsor two teams and one team respectively.


The stakes are high in the competition with sports goods firms spending millions of euros sponsoring teams to bolster their brand and lift sales of products such as jerseys and footwear.


The longer a team stays in the tournament, the more fans see company logos and may be tempted to buy replica merchandise.



place:本文中作動詞,指排名;得名次。例句:She did not place in the Olympic Games.(她在奧運比賽中沒有拿下名次。)

ahead of:片語,領先;在…之前。例句:China has opened its travel agency market to foreign investors years ahead of the schedule it agreed with the World Trade Organization.(中國提前對外資開放其旅行社市場,比與世界貿易組織所協議的時間表提前了好幾年。)

giving a boost to︰提升;助益。

the more…,the more…:愈…,愈…。例句:The busier he is, the happier he feels.(他愈忙愈高興。)

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