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《中英對照讀新聞》"Peter Pan" proposes to "Wendy" during live stage performance 彼得潘在現場舞台劇演出時向溫蒂求婚

2014/03/21 06:00


He’s known as the boy who wouldn’t grow up, but it looks as if Peter Pan is finally getting married. During a stage production of "Peter Pan" in Glasgow, Scotland, on Saturday the actor playing Peter Pan proposed publically to the actress playing Wendy Darling during the finale of a live performance.


"So, ladies and gentlemen, normally this show would continue with Peter Pan watching Wendy and giving her a kiss," Sandor Sturbl, 28, says as the production comes to a halt. "Although this is not a normal show this evening. It’s not Peter Pan looking at Wendy."


Sturbl then goes on to note that he has been dating his co-star, Jane Mary Sullivan, 22, whose stage name is Lilly-Jane Young. Sturbl notes that the performance is taking place in her hometown and that her family is in attendance.



grow up:慣用語,長大。

come to a halt:慣用語,停止;減速並停止。例句:Train and bus services came to a halt as transportation workers staged a nationwide strike.(火車與巴士因運輸業員工發動全國大罷工而停駛。)

in attendance:慣用語,出席;陪同。例句:More than 100 people in attendance at the fundraising dinner.(超過100人出席這場募款晚宴。)

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