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《中英對照讀新聞》Saudi penis reattached after Filipina cuts it off 沙國男子的陰莖被菲傭切斷後重新接回

2006/05/20 06:00

◎ 陳成良

Surgeons have reattached the penis of a Saudi man who paid the price for trying to have sex with his Filipina maid and she attacked him with a knife, a hospital source said.


"This is a sophisticated operation. You are dealing with an organ in a difficult area and you want to try to return to its efficiency," said a spokesman at Riyadh、s Takhassusi Hospital.


Earlier newspapers reported that the maid removed her employer’s manhood when he tried to molest her in the middle of the night as his wife was sleeping. The maid is now in police custody.


"It、s one of the rare cases ... but they did it (the operation) and it went smoothly," the spokesman said. "The hospital has done this kind of operation before, but only after people had car accidents."



sophisticated:形容詞,複雜的;精密的。sophisticated weapons 即尖端武器。

manhood:男子氣概,本文中引申為男人的生殖器官。Their leader told them to prove their manhood by fighting well. (他們的首領要他們奮勇作戰,以展現男子漢氣概)。

molest:干擾,用在性方面則指猥褻,性騷擾,侵犯。名詞為 molestation。

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