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《中英對照讀新聞》Wild elephants suffering in Indonesia's Sumatra : WWF

2006/04/01 06:00

◎ 羅彥傑

Ten endangered wild elephants are being kept chained to trees without enough food or water on Indonesia's Sumatra island, the WWF global conservation group said.


The Sumatra elephants were caught by authorities in Riau province after they raided crops and a village earlier this month. They were made homeless due to the destruction of forests, WWF said in a press release.


"These 10 elephants are the latest casualties in the escalating human-elephant conflict in central Sumatra, the direct result of uncontrolled destruction of their forest habitat," said Nazir Foead of WWF Indonesia.


"Elephants need room to live in Riau, which means ending problematic pulp and oil palm development," he said in the statement.


The 10 elephants belong to a herd of up to 51 roaming in Riau's Bengkalis district. The nearby Libo forest is rapidly being converted into oil palm and pulp wood plantations, WWF said.



endangered:形容詞,瀕臨絕種危險的。例句:World Wildlife Fund has worked to protect endangered species through conservation programs.(世界野生基金會透過保育計畫,致力保護瀕臨絕種的物種。)

escalate:動詞,上升、升高。例句:If we surrender on this small issue, they will escalate their demands.(如果我們在這個小問題上讓步,他們就會得寸進尺提出更多要求。)

convert:動詞,指轉變、轉換。例句:The govermnet troops converted defeat into victory yesterday.(政府軍昨天反敗為勝。)

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