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《中英對照讀新聞》Britain’s Queen seeks answers for financial crisis 英國女王追問金融危機的答案

2013/01/06 06:00


Britain’s Queen Elizabeth put central bankers on the spot when she quizzed them about the errors that led to the financial crisis in a rare public intervention during a recent visit to the Bank of England.


She asked whether complacency was a factor and if the financial watchdog lacked teeth, touching on a sensitive debate that has raged since the near collapse of the banking system and triggering widespread attention in the British media.


The 86-year-old monarch avoids entering political debate, but four years ago pointedly asked academics why nobody had foreseen the crisis, which forced Britain to rescue leading banks, stoked a record budget deficit and sent the economy into recession.


"I suppose in money terms it is very difficult foreseeing(things). But people had got a bit ... lax?" she said, before agreeing with an official that the real problem could have been "complacency".


She asked whether the bank regulator at the time lacked the powers it needed, reflecting plans to abolish the Financial Services Authority and divide its responsibilities between the Bank of England and a new watchdog.


The central bank team giving the Queen an account of the crisis were introduced to the monarch by an official as "some of the staff who hopefully will spot the next one coming".


Her 91-year-old husband, Prince Philip, also on the visit and fond of making off-hand quips, prompted nervous laughter when he responded: "There isn’t another one coming, is there?" (Reuters)




complacency:名詞,(帶有負面口吻),指對現狀感到非常滿意而不願改變、沾沾自喜、志得意滿,如The stock market crash shattered our complacency.(股市崩盤粉碎了我們的自滿心態。)

teeth:(多用複數)名詞,指強制實施的有效手段,如The labor union showed that it has teeth.(工會用行動展現了實力。)

off-hand:形容詞,指不假思索的、未經考慮的,如It was just an offhand remark.(這只是一句玩笑話。)

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