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《中英對照新聞》Toothbrush Scare 牙刷驚魂

2005/02/21 06:00

The buzzing electric toothbrush of a former wife of James Bond star Sean Connery sparked a security alert at an Australian airport on Sunday.


Diane Cilento, who was married to Connery from 1962-1973, told national news agency Australian Associated Press that she was on a Virgin Blue plane due to leave the eastern city of Brisbane for the northern city of Cairns around midday Sunday when she was asked to return to the terminal.


''I was called off the plane and they had my bag there and they knew my name and they wouldn't go near it because there was a terrible noise coming from it,'' she said. ``They made me open it and it was my (electric) toothbrush.''




例句:Sirens brought the whole street to the alert.(警報聲使整條街處於警戒狀態。)

due:形容詞,預定應到的、預定的。例句:The guests are due to arrive here next week.(客人們預定下週到這裡。)

due to 為片語,指應歸功於、由於,後接名詞或動名詞。例句:The name was omitted due to oversight.(由於疏忽,那個名字被遺漏了。)

to leave...for:片語,指離開、前往~。

例句:We will leave Taipei for Tokyo tomorrow.(我們明天將離開台北,前往東京。)

to call off:片語,指取消、停止做(某事)。

例句:The meeting was called off.(會議已取消。)

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