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《中英對照讀新聞》Forgive me, Father, for I have guns… 原諒我,神父,因我擁有槍械

2006/02/25 06:00

◎ 魏國金

A priest in Germany got more than he bargained for during confession when a man not only declared his sins, but also handed over a machine gun and a hand grenade, police in Bavaria said.


"He also gave the priest a cardboard box with a clown's face and the words 'Red Nose Day March 26, 2004' on it containing 34 cartridges of 7.65 mm caliber," police said in a statement.

警方在聲明中說︰「他也給了神父一個印有小丑臉譜與『紅鼻日2004年3月26日』字樣的紙板盒,內中裝有7.65毫米口徑的子彈 34 顆。」

The priest from the southern town of Pfarrkirchen turned in the weapons to police but told them church rules governing confession prevented him from revealing the man's identity.


"It's unclear as to whether the church has forgiven the sinner, but specialists in Bavaria's regional crime agency who are bound to earthly laws are now investigating the matter in accordance with gun control laws," police said.



bargain for:預料、期待,常用於否定句或與 more than 連用,例句︰I didn't bargain for such heavy rain.( 如此豪雨是我始料未及的。)

Red Nose Day:英國的「逗趣救濟」(Comic Relief)組織自1988年起,每隔兩年推出「紅鼻日」,希望透過溫馨幽默的方式,募集善款、扶貧濟弱,如今這個自娛娛人的慈善活動已推廣至美國與德國。

as to:關於、有關,等於放於句首的 As for。例句︰He said nothing as to the date.(他沒有談及任何有關日期的事。)

are bound to:負有義務的。例句︰I am not bound to please you.(我沒有討好你的義務。)

in accordance with: 符合、一致。例句︰You should play the game in accordance with the rules.(你們應按照規則進行比賽。)

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