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《中英對照讀新聞》UK pensioner's dodgy digital box sparks big search 英國退休老人的不可靠的數位盒引發大搜救

2006/02/20 06:00

◎ 張沛元

Lifeboats and a helicopter scoured the sea to track down an electronic distress signal -- only for coastguards to discover it came from a British pensioner's faulty digital television box on dry land.


The coastguards were scrambled after a rescue coordination centre in Scotland picked up what it believed to be a distress signal coming from the sea off southern England.


But communications experts later traced the signal to the digital television set-top box in the home of 67-year-old Mary Donaldson in the western town of Plymouth.


"We sent a helicopter out and two lifeboats before we discovered that the signal was in fact coming from inland," a spokesman for the coastguards said.


Donaldson was at the cinema when the experts tracked down the signal. "We sent two officers there to investigate and they were still there when the lady came home," the spokesman said.





distress:名詞,(精神上的)痛苦,悲傷;疼痛,不適;貧困;苦惱事;危難,困境。動詞,使痛苦;使筋疲力竭。例句:If the hurricane continues, the ship will be in distress by morning.(倘若颶風持續不停,這艘船到早上就危險了。)

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