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《中英對照讀新聞》Fukushima no-entry zone drawing flocks of swans 福島警戒區吸引天鵝群

2012/04/27 06:00


At least one species is enjoying life in the shadow of the stricken Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant.


Rice paddies in the southern part of Minami-Soma, which lies in the 20-kilometer no-entry zone around the nuclear plant, are providing a haven for flocks of migrating swans.


Each flock consists of about 100 birds, which have been feasting on farmland devoid of humans.


The tsunami of March 11 last year transformed the paddies into a series of seaside shoals. Migrating swans used to winter at nearby irrigation ponds, but birds in such present numbers have never been seen before.


City government officials noted there are large numbers of mallards and other bird species this year, presumably due in part to the formation of intact brackish wetlands, where a wealth of edible plants are growing.


With the approach of spring, the swans will fly back north toward the end of March.



flock:名詞,一群動物或一群人,或數量很大。例句:I have a flock of questions for you.(我有許多問題要問你。)

feast on something:片語,盡情吃喝,大量吃喝。例句:We feasted on the fish Jeremy had caught.(我們大快朵頤傑瑞米釣到的魚。)feast當名詞時,指盛宴。

wealth of something:片語,形容某事數量很大。例句:There’s a wealth of information on penguins at the library.(圖書館裡有大量關於企鵝的資料。)

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