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《中英對照讀新聞》Plastic Traffic Cop Slows Cars in Russia 塑膠警察減緩俄羅斯車速

2006/02/08 06:00


This is one Russian traffic cop who will never issue a ticket or take a bribe: he's made of plastic.


A life-size mock-up of a traffic police officer is prompting more drivers to obey the speed limit on a highway in western Russia, the plastic policeman's flesh-and-blood colleagues said in a report on state-run Channel One television.


"Our monitoring has shown that drivers here ... are more disciplined: they slow down," said Ivan Zybin,the deputy commander of a traffic police detachment in the Belgorod region near the Ukrainian border.


A bit like the kind of flat cardboard cutout that enables tourists to snap photos with world leaders,this fake human figure comes complete with a nearly two-dimensional patrol car, a speed gun and a blackand-white baton — held up to signal travelers to be cautious.


But Alexei Zakharov, the officer who served as the model for the mock-up, said that the sight of his plastic double prompts some drivers to do more than slow down. "They stop and come up to him to show their documents, others sit in their cars and wait for the inspector to approach them. They sit there for five minutes and they drive away," he said.



issue a ticket:指開出交通違規罰單或傳票,如The driver was ticketed for parking in front of a fire hydrant.(那個駕駛因為把車停在消防栓前而被開了一張罰單。)

mock-up(或mockup):(實驗或教學用的)實物大模型。mock sth up則指製做某物的模型以利展示。

complete with:指兼有的、附帶的,如He bought a lovely house complete with furniture.(他買下一幢附有家具的漂亮房子。)

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