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《中英對照讀新聞》’27 Club’ of dead rockers is a myth, says study 研究顯示,已故搖滾明星的「27俱樂部」純屬迷思

2012/02/19 06:00


Fame boosts the risk of early death for rock stars but the claim that the peril is greatest at the age of 27 is false, according to a study published by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) .


The theory of the "27 Club" spread earlier last year when Amy Winehouse joined Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain and Brian Jones and other musicians who succumbed to the rock’n’roll lifestyle while in their 27th year.


Health statisticians of the Queensland University of Technology in Australia put the "27 Club" hypothesis to the test. They compiled a data base of 1,046 musicians -- solo artists and band members -- who had a No.1 album in the British charts between 1956 and 2007.


During the period under study, 71 of the musicians died, equivalent to seven percent of the sample. But there was no peak at all in deaths at the age of 27. On the other hand, musicians in their 20s and 30s were two to three times likelier to die prematurely than the general British population.


The "27 Club" gained currency with Winehouse’s death in July, prompting the explanation that musicians often become famous in their early twenties, and their risk-taking peaks four to five years later.


A more insidious argument was that musicians craving immortality subconsciously became bigger risk-takers, or even committed suicide, in order to join rock’s dead elite. (AFP)



succumb:動詞,指因疾病或受傷等而死亡,如Thousands of cows have succumbed to the disease in the past few months.(過去數月,已有數千頭乳牛因為罹患這種病而死亡。)

currency:名詞,指流行、傳播、通用、被廣泛接受,如His ideas enjoyed wide currency during the last century.(他的想法在上個世紀曾獲得廣泛認同。)

insidious:形容詞,指陰險的,暗中危害的,或(如疾病等)不知不覺中加劇的、潛伏的,如High-blood pressure is an insidious condition which has few symptoms.(高血壓是一種少有症狀的潛伏性疾病。)

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