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《中英對照讀新聞》Comet defies death, brushes up to sun and lives 彗星和死亡對抗,掠過太陽後倖存

2011/12/27 06:00


A small comet survived what astronomers figured would be a sure death when it danced uncomfortably close to the broiling sun.


Comet Lovejoy, which was only discovered a couple of weeks ago, was supposed to melt Thursday night when it came close to where temperatures hit several million degrees. Astronomers had tracked 2,000 other sun-grazing comets make the same suicidal trip. None had ever survived.


But astronomers watching live with NASA telescopes first saw the sun’s corona wiggle as Lovejoy went close to the sun. They were then shocked when a bright spot emerged on the sun’s other side. Lovejoy lived.


Lovejoy didn’t exactly come out of its hellish adventure unscathed. Only 10 percent of the comet — which was probably millions of tons — survived the encounter. And the comet lost something pretty important : its tail.


Comets circle the sun and sometimes get too close. Lovejoy came within 75,000 miles of the sun’s surface. For a small object often described as a dirty snowball comprised of ice and dust, that brush with the sun should have been fatal.


Astronomers say it probably didn’t melt completely because the comet was larger than they thought.



hellish:形容詞,險惡、如地獄般的。例句:It has been a hellish week.(這禮拜如地獄般難熬。)

unscathed:形容詞,未受傷的。例句:I came through all those perils unscathed.(我經歷這些危險,仍毫髮無傷。)

be comprised of :片語,由…組成。例句:The committee was comprised of representatives from all area。(委員會由各領域的代表組成。)

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