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《中英對照讀新聞》Hedge-fund banker racks up £71k Christmas party bill 避險基金銀行家耶誕派對花了7萬1000英鎊

2011/12/26 06:00


A City hedge-fund banker lavished £71000 on booze at a Christmas party for just nine members of staff, it has emerged.


The recession-busting bill included a £10000 tip for a serving waitress. Other items included a £7956 service charge and £7200 on six magnums of Dom Perignon.

這張打擊經濟衰退的帳單,包括一筆給一名女服務生的一萬英鎊小費。其他項目還有7956英鎊的服務費,以及花7200英鎊開了6瓶1.5升裝的Dom Perignon頂級香檳。

Most of the cash was splurged on 24 six-litre bottles of Prince Harry’s favourite drink Ciroc Ultra Premium vodka, which came to a total of £44400.

這筆錢大部分揮霍在喝掉24瓶6升裝、哈利王子最愛的Ciroc Ultra Premium伏特加,總計4萬4400英鎊。

It all went down in London’s West End at a club called Rose Club, which is apparently super "posh."


The club owners revealed that at one point the unnamed British hedge-funder threw £50 notes in the air like confetti and watched as ’pretty girls’ scrambled on the floor to pick up as many as they could.


A spokesman for the club said : ’I suppose generous doesn’t quite cover it’, ’the customer, who is one of our regulars, just wanted to give his team an unforgettable Christmas party.’



rack up:動詞,累積(得分、花費的金額等),贏得、獲勝。例句:The four girls racked up $20000 travel bill.(這4個女生共花了兩萬美元旅費。)

lavish, splurg:動詞,在本文中皆有「鋪張」、「揮霍」之意。例句:She splurged millions on her birthday party.(她揮霍了數百萬元辦她的生日派對。)

go down:俚語,發生。例句:The dramatic heist went down in a bank.(這起戲劇性的搶案發生在一家銀行裡。)

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