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《中英對照讀新聞》Women can’t keep secrets for more than 32 minutes女人保密不超過32分鐘

2011/11/28 06:00


Share your deepest secrets with her, and she will no doubt promise never to tell.


But beware of putting your trust in a woman – for the likelihood is she will have broken your confidence barely half an hour later.


Women are overcome by the desire to gossip and can typically wait no longer than 32 minutes before spilling the beans, a new study has claimed.


According to the study of 3000 women by facial skincare brand Simple, one in ten admitted to being unable to keep a secret, no matter how personal or confidential the news is, whereas 85 percent said that they relish hearing gossip from others.


Depending on who the gossip is about, a woman’s husband, mother or best friend is most likely to be the initial recipients of the information.


"This poll clearly shows that women really struggle to keep secrets," a spokesperson for Simple said.



spill the beans:片語,洩漏秘密、走漏消息。例句:She spilled the beans about our ongoing secret project.(她走漏了有關我們進行中的秘密計畫消息。)

relish:動詞或名詞,喜歡,熱中地品味或品嚐,滋味。例句:I have much relish for your suggestion.(我對你的建議很感興趣。)

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