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《中英對照讀新聞》Amish men jailed for not displaying buggy safety signs 阿米許教派男子因未懸掛馬車安全標誌而遭監禁

2011/10/21 06:00


Eight members of a traditional Amish sect were behind bars on Tuesday after refusing to pay fines for failure to display orange-red safety triangles on their horse-drawn buggies.


The eight were being held in the Graves County Jail, serving sentences ranging between three and 10 days for failing to pay the fines on religious grounds.


Graves District Judge Deborah Hawkins ordered the men jailed Monday in Mayfield, about 200 miles from Louisville in western Kentucky. The defendants contend that paying the fines would amount to complying with a law that violates their religious restrictions against wearing or displaying bright colors or relying upon man-made symbols for their safety.


The Kentucky Court of Appeals denied an appeal of the men’s misdemeanor convictions in June. The case has been appealed to the state Supreme Court, which has not ruled on whether it will hear the case.


“We’re certainly disappointed that the judge chose to go forward,” the men’s lawyer, William Sharp, said in an interview Tuesday. “… We thought it was unnecessary to do so until the cases had been conclusively resolved one way or another by the Kentucky Supreme Court.”



behind bars:慣用語,坐牢。

amount to something:慣用語,相當於。例句: Your comments amount to treason.(你的評論形同叛國。)

one way or another:慣用語,無論如何,不管用什麼方法。例句:One way or another, I’m going to finish this job by next week.(無論如何,我下週以前要做完這項工作。)

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