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《中英對照讀新聞》Kate’s £70 wedding day fragrance sells out as fans worldwide snap up last bottles 凱特婚禮用價格70英鎊香水 全球粉絲搶購一空

2011/05/23 06:00


When the new Duchess of Cambridge walked down the aisle on April 29, the best-kept secret in fashion was finally revealed.


But while the world cooed over her Alexander McQueen gown, the perfume industry’s noses were buzzing about what scent Catherine chose for her big day.


According to Clarence House, Prince William’s bride was wearing White Gardenia Petals by Illuminum.


Now the previously little-known British brand is set to go stellar as shoppers vie to buy their own bottle of Kate’s favourite scent.


Every one of the 50ml bottles in stock was sold within moments of the news breaking. ’There’s been a phenomenal response across the world,’ said Illuminum spokesman Michael Donovan.


Michael Boadi, the founder of Illuminum, is thrilled by word that Catherine wore his product. ’I am thrilled to pieces. I am absolutely honoured.’ he said.



snap up:動詞片語,在本文中為「搶購」之意。例句:The famous luxury villa resort’s online bargains was quickly snapped up in minutes. (那家知名豪華度假別墅提供的網路優惠,迅速被秒殺搶購。)

go stellar:俚語,成名、紅了。例句:After John has worked so hard for many years in the show business, he is finally about to go stellar. (約翰在演藝圈努力了這麼多年後,他終於要成名了。)

be thrilled to pieces: 動詞片語,興奮極了。例句:She’s thrilled to pieces by the news that she was hired.(她獲得錄用的消息讓她非常興奮。)

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