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中英對照讀新聞/Silky-voiced homeless man copes with sudden fame 柔美嗓音流浪漢努力適應一夕爆紅

2011/03/04 06:00


A homeless man from Ohio who quickly became a celebrity thanks to his smooth announcing voice indicates it’s been challenging dealing with the rush of fame.


"I wanted a nerve pill yesterday, to be honest with you," Ted Williams said Friday on CBS’ "Early Show." The 53-year-old recovering addict said a psychologist talked him out of it.


"She said, ’Listen, you’re going to have to learn to meditate and not medicate,’" Williams said.


He became famous practically overnight after The Columbus Dispatch posted a web video of him. Williams had found himself on the streets in Columbus after his life was ruined by substance abuse, but he says he has been sober for more than two years.


He appeared on CBS seated in the studio next to his mother, who said their reunion in New York on Thursday was the first time she’d seen her son in person in 10 years.


"I said, ’Is this my son, my little son - the prodigal son has come back home,’" said Julia Williams, of Brooklyn.



cope with someone or something:慣用語,對付,處理。例句:I don’t think he can cope with any more trouble.(我不覺得他能應付得了更多麻煩。)

thanks to:慣用語,因為,基於(不見得含有感謝意味)。例句:Thanks to the typhoon, we have no electricity.(因為颱風來襲,我們沒電可用。)

talk someone out of something:慣用語,勸使某人放棄或改變某事;勸阻某人去做某事。例句:He was trying to talk her out of quitting her job.(他勸她不要辭職。)

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