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《中英對照讀新聞》Dispatches chart Cuban leader’s obsession with US president 電文描繪古巴領導人對美國總統的著迷

2011/01/17 06:00


Barack and Fidel: like so many great love affairs it was doomed. But memory of the passion, or at least infatuation, lingers.


Having seen off 10 US presidents – all committed to his assassination, overthrow or isolation – Fidel Castro had more reason than most to beware the occupant of the Oval Office.


But Barack Obama was different. The octogenarian communist revolutionary fell for the young new president and became "obsessed", according to confidential US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks.


After Obama swept to the White House, Castro’s Reflections columns in the communist party newspaper, Granma, were filled with observations about, then praise for, Obama.


Obama’s speech in Cairo on US relations with Muslims inspired a 3,500-word response from the retired Cuban leader in which he lauded Obama as a "very good communicator" with "impressive working capacity".


The US diplomatic mission in Havana, long accustomed to reporting the commandante’s diatribes against American tyranny, was not prepared for it. "Fidel is obsessed with President Obama," said one memo.



dispatch:名詞,電訊。亦有派遣、分發之意。例句:The leaked dispatches revealed the CIA secret operations.(這些外洩電文揭露中情局的秘密行動。)

infatuation:名詞,迷戀,令人沈醉的事物。例句:The parents are worried about their children’s infatuation for pop idols.(父母為他們的子女迷戀流行偶像而感到擔心。)

diatribe:名詞,抨擊、誹謗。例句:His diatribe against that black girl is criticized as racism.(他對那名黑人女孩的誹謗被批評是種族歧視。)

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