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《中英對照讀新聞》German city pares budget deficit with "sex tax" 德國城市用「性稅」削減預算赤字

2010/12/20 06:00


Challenged with a 100 million euro deficit, one western German city has introduced a day tax on prostitutes to help whittle down its budget gap.


The new "pleasure tax" requires prostitutes in Dortmund to purchase a 6 euro "day ticket" for each day they work, or face a potential fine. The city estimates that the new tax will add some 750,000 euros to its coffers each year.


"Dortmund has financial problems like many cities in Germany," city spokesman Michael Meinders told Reuters. "We considered several sex taxes but this was the most practical proposal."


The new tax went into effect in August but the day tickets have not been available until December.


An alternative proposal was to charge a 1 or 2 euro fee to anyone entering Dortmund’s red-light district, but this idea got little political support, Meinders said.


Such taxes are not unusual in Germany where prostitution is legal and sex workers must pay tax on their income. Cologne introduced a 150 euro "pleasure tax" on sex workers in 2004 and later added a 6 euro day tax option for part-time prostitutes.



pare, whittle (+down, away):動詞,逐步削減。例句:I have to pare down my expenses to pay the mortgage.(我得減少開支來付貸款。)

coffer:名詞,保險庫、金庫。例句:The National health insurance financial "black hole" will drain out the state coffers.(全民健保財務黑洞將榨乾國庫。)

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