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《中英對照讀新聞》Germany gets magazine devoted to divorce 德國有了離婚雜誌

2005/10/09 06:00


In Germany, which is awash with magazines dedicated to weddings and parenting, a publisher has discovered a gap in the market with a magazine devoted to divorce.


Appearing every two months, "Rosenkrieg" is to offer advice from alimony lawyers, accountants and psychologists on how to achieve the perfect dissolution of marriage.


Publishing house Lutz von Gratkowski, based in the small town of Kaufering, said recently the first issue had a print run of 35,000.


"Rosenkrieg", a term used by the magazine as its title, has passed into the German language after the release of a 1989 movie about an ugly divorce, The War of the Rose, directed by Danny DeVito.


The publisher, noting that there were 214,000 divorces annually in Germany, said the magazine will also contain heart-rending stories of messy divorces and pick-up advice for those seeking new partners.



awash:形容詞,充斥的(和with連用)。例句:Experts warn that the marketplace could be awash with water-damaged cars and trucks in the wake of Hurricanes Rita and Katrina.(專家警告,在麗塔和卡崔娜颶風過後,泡水的汽車和卡車可能會充斥賣場)


heart-rending:形容詞,令人心碎的。例句:The film told a heart-rending tale of two sisters torn violently apart during the turmoil era of the 1930s.(這部電影訴說了一對姐妹在1930年代的紛亂時代中、被硬生生拆散的令人心碎的故事)


pick-up:口語,邂逅;釣(男女)。例句:Some say there are as many ways to pick up pretty girls as there are pretty girls.(有人說,釣漂亮女孩子的方法就和漂亮女孩子的數目一樣多)

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