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《中英對照讀新聞》Gaza calling:ringtone exports evade blockade Gaza calling:ringtone exports evade blockade 加薩呼喚:出口手機鈴聲來規避封鎖

2010/02/07 06:00


Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip not only restricts imports to the enclave but has also crushed traditional exports like fruit, flowers, furniture and ceramics.


But a year after a war between Israel and Gaza’s Hamas Islamist rulers and the 4-year-old blockade firmly in place, some Palestinian entrepreneurs are turning to the Internet to gain access to new foreign markets.


Haitham Abu Shaaban of Tatweer Business Services, working with a local recording studio, has a new contract with Dubai telecoms company du to make personalized cell phone ringtones that he hopes will sell well across the Arab world.


"The fact that Gaza has been under siege has stopped us from developing exports. But we thought there was a way around this," said Abu Shaaban. Gaza singers are lining up at the studios to record ringtone songs in a variety of styles, from rap to jazz.


"We have taken forward the export of services through contracting local companies to export their work to other companies in the Middle East through the available tools, which is mainly, currently the Internet," Abu Shaaban said.



blockade:名詞,指封鎖、阻礙,如The Soviet blockade of Berlin was lifted in May 1949.(蘇聯對柏林的封鎖於1949年5月解除。)亦可做動詞。

enclave:名詞,飛地(指在本國境內、隸屬另一國的一塊領土),如The republic of San Marino is an enclave of Italy.(聖馬利諾共和國位於義大利境內。)或指在更大範圍內一塊界線分明的較小區域,如an ethnic enclaves in a large city.(大城市裡的各種族聚集地)

siege:名詞,指圍攻、圍困,The soldiers laid siege to (= started a siege of) the city.(士兵們開始包圍這座城市。)亦可指(疾病等)長期折磨,如a siege of asthma.(長期為氣喘所苦)。

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