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《中英對照讀新聞》Women think fitting into old jeans is ’better than sex’ 女人認為穿得下舊牛仔褲「勝過性愛」

2010/01/23 06:00


More than a quarter of British women believe fitting into an old pair of jeans again would feel better than sex, according to research.


More than a third(35 per cent)of those surveyed admitted owning a pair of ’’trophy’’ jeans they used to fit into and kept in the hope they would slim down enough to wear.


Asked how managing to put them back on would feel, 29.1 per cent said it would be better than sex, 28.9 per cent thought it would beat a promotion, 20.6 per cent believed it would top a best friend’s wedding, 20.3 per cent said it would feel better than a lottery win and 11.1 per cent thought it would beat a marriage proposal.


The poll by cereal brand Special K also revealed that 30 per cent of women fantasised more about slimming back into their ’’trophy’’ jeans than about Hollywood heartthrobs such as George Clooney or Brad Pitt.

由穀麥片品牌「Special K」所做的這項民調還透露,相較於對諸如喬治克隆尼、布萊德彼特等好萊塢萬人迷的感覺,30%的女性對於能瘦到再度穿得下「獎盃」牛仔褲,存有更大的幻想。

The survey showed that on average women own five pairs of jeans, with 10 per cent of women claiming their jeans have outlasted their longest relationship.



slim down:片語,(靠節食等)變苗條,減肥。例句:Is it possible to slim down to a size zero without risking your health?(有可能減肥至零尺碼又不損健康嗎?)

fantasise:動詞,夢想,幻想。例句:He liked to fantasise that he had won a gold medal.(他愛幻想自己奪下金牌。)

heartthrob:名詞,心跳;激情;迷戀的對象,最受喜愛的人,特指影星、歌星等「大眾情人」。例句:John is Mary’s heartthrob.(約翰是瑪麗迷戀的對象。)

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