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《中英對照讀新聞》Kind officials 'house' homeless Italians 好心官員收容義大利遊民

2005/08/16 06:00

◎ 俞智敏

Modesta Valenti was a bag lady. She lived, and died 22 years ago, in the Termini railway station in central Rome. She would never have dreamed that one day she would have a street named after her. Yet today Rome has a Via Modesta Valenti. It is home to almost 700 people.


But try to get a taxi driver to take you there, and you will have difficulties. Look it up in a street guide and you will draw a blank.


For Via Modesta Valenti is one of at least a half a dozen “virtual streets” in Italy that bear witness to Italian inventiveness, soft-heartedness--and skill at dodging awkward laws.


They were invented by local authority bureaucrats as a way of providing help to the homeless. Under Italian law, you cannot get identity documents without a registered address--and without identity documents you cannot receive benefits, medical care or even, sometimes, charitable help.


It seems it was a caring bureaucrat in Bologna who hit upon the idea of creating a fictitious street for the homeless. He or she called it Via Senza Tetto, or Roofless Street.



bag lady:俗語,指無家可歸、把全身家當都放在1個隨身大袋子裡的女性遊民。

draw a blank:(非正式)片語,指找不到或想不起某人或某事。如 He asked me for my phone number and I drew a blank--I just couldn't remember it.(他問我的電話號碼,我的腦袋一片空白─我一時間就是想不起來。)

bear witness to:片語,指見證、成為某事的證據。例如The success of the show bears witness to our good planning.(演出的成功證明我們計劃周全。)

hit on/upon:無意間或意外想出某個主意,尤指可解決問題的辦法。如 When we first hit on the idea, everyone told us it would never work.(當我們剛想出這個辦法時,每個人都告訴我們一定不會成功。)

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