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《中英對照讀新聞》British scientists uncover oldest words in English 英國科學家發現最古老的英文字彙

2009/03/20 06:00


The oldest words in the English language include "I" and "who", while words like "dirty" could die out relatively quickly, British researchers said.


Scientists at Reading University in southern England have used a supercomputer called ThamesBlue to model the evolution of words in English and the wider family of Indo-European languages over the last 30,000 years.


They say that the most commonly-used words -- which also include the numbers two, three and five -- tend to be the oldest and change most slowly over time.


Meanwhile, adjectives like "dirty" and verbs like "squeeze" could disappear over the next eight centuries or so, the scientists say.


Because there are many different ways of saying "dirty" in Indo-European languages -- currently 46 -- it is more likely to die out, the team said, along with, for example, "push", "turn", "wipe" and "stab".




die out:片語,逐漸消失,滅絕。

evolution:名詞,發展;演化。例句:Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, has been one of the most respected figures in the history of science especially in the biology field.(進化之父查爾斯.達爾文是科學史上、特別是生物領域的科學史上最受敬重的人物之一。)

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