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《中英對照讀新聞》Corrupt China official betrayed by leaky toilet 漏水馬桶敗露中國貪官的不法

2008/08/06 06:00

◎ 魏國金

A corrupt Chinese official has been condemned to death after a leaky toilet led to the discovery of his hoard of illicit cash, Xinhua news agency reported.


Yan Dabin, a former director of transport for Wushan County near the southwestern city of Chongqing, was sentenced for taking bribes totalling 22.3 million yuan from road building companies, Xinhua said.


He was arrested after a Chongqing resident called a police station in January to complain that water was trickling through his ceiling from a vacant apartment above.


A police officer went to investigate and in the bathroom of the apartment, which was owned by Yan, he found a leaking toilet and eight waterlogged cardboard boxes containing 9.4 million yuan.


Yan’s wife Fu Shangfang was sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for five years, after she was found guilty of laundering illicit cash through a series of house purchases, Xinhua said.



betray︰背叛、洩漏。例句︰This house betrays its age.(這房子顯得很老舊。)

bribe︰動詞為行賄,名詞為賄賂物。例句︰He had been bribed into silence.(他被收買封口。)

launder︰洗滌、洗錢、掩飾(醜行)。例如︰launder arms traffic in defiance of the U.N. embargo(無視聯合國禁運令的變相武器交易)。

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