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《中英對照讀新聞》Apple launches iPod recycling program 蘋果推出iPod回收計劃

2005/06/07 06:00


Apple Computer Inc. launched a recycling program for its popular iPod, encouraging owners to bring their digital music players to Apple retail stores for free, environmentally friendly disposal.


People who bring their iPods to one of about 100 stores nationwide will also receive a 10 percent discount toward the purchase of a new iPod. The discount is only good the day people drop off their older iPod, iPod mini or iPod photo.


Apple has become the darling of the technology sector for its iconic digital music player, one of the hottest gadgets of the new millennium. But scorching iPod sales have also made it the target of the Computer TakeBack Campaign, which in January spearheaded a yearlong campaign to protest Apple's recycling efforts.




例如 waste disposal 是廢棄物處理,bomb disposal expert 是拆除炸彈專家。例句:I put my car at your disposal。(我的車子隨你使用。)

toward:介詞,此處是為了…目的、用於…之意。例句:We save 10 pounds toward our holidays each week. (為了度假,我們每星期儲蓄十英鎊。)

discount:名詞,(減免的)折扣。中文的打折說法是指折扣後價格除以原價的百分比;英文則相反,是指減免的幅度。如「七五折」的英文說法是 a discount of 25 percent。

drop off:片語,使…下車、卸下…。例句:Drop me off at the corner. (讓我在那拐角處下車。)

spearhead:動詞,帶頭、充當…的先鋒。例句:Which of the opposition parties is going to spearhead the attack on the government? (哪一個反對黨準備帶頭攻擊政府?)

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