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《中英對照讀新聞》Drinking coffee may lower ovarian cancer risk喝咖啡或能降低卵巢癌的罹患率

2008/01/24 06:00

◎ 魏國金

Caffeine appears to lower a woman’s chances of developing ovarian cancer, U.S. researchers said, while smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol do not.


The benefit seemed strongest for women who had never used oral contraceptives or postmenopausal hormones, the researchers wrote in the journal Cancer.


"With regard to caffeine and caffeine-containing beverages, we generally observed a lower risk of ovarian cancer with increasing intake," Shelley Tworoger of Harvard Medical School and colleagues wrote.


The team examined data taken from health questionnaires of more than 121,000 women aged 30-35. The researchers found no significant link between current or past smoking or drinking and overall ovarian cancer risk, though cigarettes seemed to raise the likelihood of one rare form of the disease.


Risk also appeared to decline the more total caffeine and coffee a woman consumed, the study found. Decaffeinated coffee had no apparent benefit.



with regard to︰關於、至於、就…而論,等同 in regard to、in respect to。例句︰It is going to raise a lot of problems with regard to atmosphere pollution.(這將引起許多大氣污染方面的問題。)

likelihood︰可能性。in all likelihood 十之八九,極有可能。例句︰In all likelihood, it will rain.(十之八九要下雨了。)


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