中英對照讀新聞》Webb telescope confirms the universe is expanding at an unexpected rate韋伯望遠鏡證實宇宙正以出乎意料的速率擴張
Fresh corroboration of the perplexing observation that the universe is expanding more rapidly than expected has scientists pondering the cause - perhaps some unknown factor involving the mysterious cosmic components dark energy and dark matter.
Two years of data from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have now validated the Hubble Space Telescope’s earlier finding that the rate of the universe’s expansion is faster - by about 8% - than would be expected based on what astrophysicists know of the initial conditions in the cosmos and its evolution over billions of years.
Dark energy, believed to comprise approximately 69% of the universe, is a hypothesized form of energy permeating vast swathes of space that counteracts gravity and drives the universe’s accelerating expansion.
corroboration:名詞,證實、確證。例句:The corroboration of the
new scientific theory made researchers very excited.(新科學理論的證實使研究員們非常興奮)
perplexing:形容詞,令人迷惑的、難解的。例句:The employees found the company’s marketing strategy perplexing.(員工們覺得公司的行銷策略令人困惑)
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中英對照讀新聞》A New Zealander studied for a year to win the Spanish world Scrabble title. He doesn’t speak Spanish1名紐西蘭人學了1年才贏得西班牙語版「拼字遊戲」世界冠軍,但他不會說西班牙語