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中英對照讀新聞》Former owner of water buffalo that roamed Iowa suburb for days pleads guilty 愛荷華州郊區遊蕩數日的水牛前主人認罪

2024/10/08 05:30



The owner of a water buffalo that ran loose in a Des Moines, Iowa, suburb for days pleaded guilty for having an animal at large. The owner was fined $105 and court costs Thursday.


The owner was taking the animal to slaughter when it escaped in August.

Police spent days searching for it as it roamed Pleasant Hill, a town of 11,000 residents. Fans named the animal PHill after the city.


Police at one point shot PHill while trying to capture the animal, but it escaped and continued to roam for several days before being tranquilized with help from zoo and animal rescue workers.



roam:動詞,流浪、漫遊、遊蕩。例句:After the bars close, gangs of youths roam the city streets.(酒館關門後,成群結夥的年輕人在城裡街道上遊蕩。)

tranquilize:動詞,使平靜、使鎮定。例句:The vet had to tranquilize my cat in order to examine her.(獸醫必須讓我的貓鎮定下來,才能檢查牠。)

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