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中英對照讀新聞》Ohio man’s Halloween display becomes source of joy to cancer patient 俄亥俄州男子的萬聖節裝飾 成為癌症患者的歡樂源泉

2024/10/04 05:30



Make no bones about it, Bill Pyles’ front yard in Oxford, Ohio, has bones all about it.


But to Pyles and his family, the scariest thing isn’t their elaborate Halloween display —it’s their mailbox, which every year curses him with hate mail.


Which is why Pyles was thinking about scaling back the display when a note arrived earlier this month.


"I stopped dead in my tracks in the driveway looking at that letter," Pyles told CBS News.


The note was written by Tammy Weihe, who has breast cancer. To receive her daily radiation treatments, Weihe has to travel a country road in Oxford that takes her right past Pyles’ house.


"The bone family and what they are up to...(is) a highlight of my journey," Weihe wrote.



make no bones about something:慣用語,對…直言不諱。

scale back/down something:片語,縮小規模。例句:The company has decided to drastically scale back its business in China.(該公司已決定大幅縮減在中國的業務。)

stop dead in one’s tracks:片語,原地不動;使停止動作;突然不動;in one’s tracks:就地,當場。例句:She stopped in her tracks and stared at him in amazement.(她停下腳步,驚訝地看著他。)

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