中英對照讀新聞》Cat found safe after getting trapped in a sewer for nearly 8 weeks貓咪受困在下水道裡近8週後獲救
A cat aptly named Drifter is safe at home after sneaking outside and getting trapped in a sewer for nearly eight weeks.
The 3-year-old tabby — an indoor feline who had aspirations of being an outdoor cat — went missing from the home of Clifton Nesseth and Ashley Comstock in the northeastern Minnesota city of Duluth on July 18. The family adopted Drifter after finding him while on vacation in Rice Lake, Wisconsin. They chose the name for his independent personality.
The family, including their 12-year-old daughter, April Dressel, hung up posters and searched across the city without luck. They were beginning to plan a small memorial service for Drifter on Tuesday when neighbor kids came over and said they heard meowing coming from a storm drain at the construction site.
Drifter was still wearing his collar, confirming his identity. When he went missing he weighed 6.8 kilograms. After his sojourn in the underworld, he weighed 2.9 kilograms, about 3.9 kilograms less.
sneak:動詞,指偷偷地走、潛行、偷帶、偷拿、很快看一眼、打小報告;名詞,指告密者。例句:He was always sneaking on other kids in the class.(他總是向老師打班上其他孩子的小報告。)
underworld:名詞,指冥界、陰間、黑社會、罪惡世界。例句:Some claim that she still has connections to the criminal underworld.(有些人聲稱她仍然與黑社會犯罪集團有聯繫。)
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