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《中英對照讀新聞》From heart-broken to broke? Japan divorce loan helps從心碎變成破產嗎?日本離婚貸款來幫忙

2007/10/08 06:00


Japan’s first-ever divorce loan caters to those who fell head over heels in love only to find themselves up to their necks in debt.


Named "Re" for those re-starting their lives, the loan helps divorcees cover the cost of compensation and legal payments and offers a lower interest rate than credit cards loans, on which Japan’s growing number of divorce-seekers have depended in the past.


In Japan, divorcees found responsible for the failure of their marriage -- for example, because of their unfaithfulness -- on average have to pay 4 million yen in compensation to their former partners, according to the Mainichi Newspaper.


In the past, Japanese divorcees have often sought to pay off divorce debts with consumer finance loans or credit card loans, which tend to have annual interest rates of 15-20 percent. But with the newly launched divorce loan, divorcees can borrow up to 5 million yen, paying a floating interest rate that stood at 5.8 percent recently.



head over heels:片語,指完全地、無可救藥地,如She is head over heels in love.(她深陷愛河)﹔亦可指翻滾,如He tripped and fell head over heels.(他被絆倒摔了個大跟頭。)

up to sb’s neck in:片語,指陷入困境,如He’s paid practically nothing and he’s up to his neck in debt.(他幾乎沒拿到工資,卻又債務纏身。);亦可指非常忙碌,如I’m up to my neck in paperwork.(我正為這些文書作業忙得不可開交。)

cover:動詞,文中指(錢)足夠支付,如Would 50 dollars cover your expenses?(五十元夠支付你的開銷嗎?)

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